Monday March 17, 2025
17 , Ramadan , 1446
Leading The Way
Saudi Arabia
Discover Saudi
Tariq A. Al-Maeena
71 - 80 From 295 result
Reach out and touch someone
The protection and cleanliness of our environment is another area our religious scholars should emphasize. When I drive around the city, it is clear that this is an area of concern that should be brought up during Friday sermons. Those ...
We fail to recognize our shortcomings
In spite of the optimism generated by Vision 2030, and the commitment by several ministries and public service organizations to reengineer their work processes and streamline them for a better tomorrow, there still remain a few that somehow do not ...
Conversations with a rabbi
Not long after we had boarded the panoramic coach of the intercity that was to take us from Zurich to Innsbruck, the call of nature came a-knocking. After making sure my son and my nephew were comfortably tucked in their ...
Basic understanding of the region
During a recent trip to the USA, I was often amused by the lack of understanding some people had of this part of the world. And I cannot really blame them. Their schools do not delve deeply into issues beyond ...
Revisiting the expat dependent tax
There are expectations that the conclusion of Haj this year will also spell the end of service of many expats. With rising levies on each expat every successive year, many have made preparations for an early departure. For those unfamiliar ...
Critical thinking is the order of the day
Ours is a young society from what government statistics keep telling us. The population swing is in favor of the youth who make up a sizeable majority of the population. These young people have to be directed and their energies ...
Why Saudis vacation abroad
Salma, a housewife from Taif, had this to say. “During my childhood, I remember my father packing off the whole family to the hilly resorts of Abha and Sawda. Even during the hottest period of the year, we would enjoy ...
Some words of caution
Have our men in uniform and particularly those on the roads and streets responsible for traffic control been properly briefed and trained to deal with this new form of aberrant behavior that may arise, and that God forbid might lead ...
Cold-blooded rabbis are not men of the cloth
Rabbi Lior who has gone public with his praise and eulogy for Baruch Goldstein, a New Yorker Jew settler who in 1994 mowed down 29 Arab worshippers while they were offering their prayers at Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque. Referring to the ...
There is another Holocaust in the making
In 2012, Hagit Ofran of the Israeli settlement watchdog Peace Now denounced Netanyahu’s government for encouraging and legitimizing new settlements “in a deceitful way.” She said, “The Israeli government is proving its true policy, that instead of going to peace ...
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